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finish password protection backend logic #dashful
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🚀 Launched new Carrd plugin template - the A/B testing sections plugin in 40 different channels! All launch links - #pluginsforcarrd
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Beta (Upcoming version): All features show up correctly on password item pages #securedfyi
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refactor dashboard password protection #dashful
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Added Master Password to Password category #securedfyi
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Helped Carrd user in FB community with auto update year footer that's synced to the style of the template - made me think about creating a free plugin for this! 🤔 #pluginsforcarrd
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add show password button to show password input text for 1.5s
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Beta (Upcoming version): Added five example items with features to password category #securedfyi
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🚀 Made a new Carrd plugin today! - the custom icon plugin, to let you add your own custom icons to your Carrd site - #pluginsforcarrd
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Added the new category Password #securedfyi
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improvements for #cryptoboard website
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Built a Passwordless Authentication Mechanism from scratch!
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Updated confetti plugin to work with a native Carrd button, on request of user over DM - 🎉Demo: #pluginsforcarrd
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🚀 Launched yet another free Carrd plugin - to embed a wall of selected tweets like testimonial, reviews, social proof - #pluginsforcarrd
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Created 2nd new Carrd plugin today - a plugin for an interactive background of physics-based particles/polygons, because someone asked about this in Telegram chat group, and ended up helping him make it! - interactivebackground.carrd.c… #pluginsforcarrd
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Authentication section
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Beta (Upcoming version): Created categoryPassword model #securedfyi
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