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Trips - User shouldn't be able to click the Add Car button for a Trip if they're already a participant of the trip (driver/passenger) #skipool
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Trip - Fix bug where the add car button says "You've already added car" when logged out #skipool
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Home - Add start date to Trip Cards #skipool
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if not logged in user, make [ Expand all trips ] button go to sign up instead of showing historical trips, also for privacy (so don’t even render them) #nomads
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Trip - Give the user clear feedback why they can't add multiple cars to a Trip #skipool
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Add Car To Trip - Prevent a user from adding a car if they're already a driver or passenger on the trip and give them clear feedback #skipool
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Bug - Investigate and fix error on Home screen where the users trips isn't shown #skipool
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Trip - Show trip description in header #skipool
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Add Trip - Remove "cities" restriction on Google Maps search #skipool
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Bug - Don't allow already booked passenger to add a car to a trip #skipool
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add Current and Future Trips Privacy to #nomads which means you can set it so that people can only see your trips history, not your current or future trips, nice if you like to keep a travel log but not share where you are now
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Backend - Clear up car messages when a trip is deleted #skipool
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Signup - Add addtional step to allow the user add a trip after having added car, perhaps the order shouild be reversed #skipool
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Add Trip - Allow user to add price for trip car #skipool
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Don't use Nomad List location for profile if the most recent trip already ended #wip /cc @shyamady @levelsio
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show nearby users even if set to private/hide future trips if the private user follows the site user #nomads
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Add Trip - Add follow on step to add a car to trip #skipool
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Add Car To Trip - Verify that the user can actually add the car before showing the form (i.e. not already a driver in another car etc) #skipool
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make my #nomads profile public again but hard code to hide trips within last 12 months to stay private
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add "add city to your trips" button for logged in users to push them to use trips profile #nomads
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