Similar todos
add some new tools #starterstory
tools for new story #starterstory
Started redesigning 3 tools to add it to my "tool directory" #shipit
update the readme with ideas for free tools on #devopsprojectshq
Starting development on new tools #stackabuse
get idea for next potential projects #vivancolors
thinking about free tools to put on my #devopsprojectshq
dusted off a local workflow/pipeline tool
🤖 wrote a few tools to handle rewriting/publishing the schedule #djangocon
published "Generating Ideas" blog post
small updates to javascript project + setting up discovery calls for new idea
worked on tools to keep articles in better sync with code #mylife
updated blog post on tools I develop with #mylife
changes to articles, add tools #starterstory
✏️ dusted off a blog post on tools that I like and use #mylife
build pipeline #spectropic
add some projects/ideas to wip
automating new tools added within platform #building
🚜 reworked my writing setup and pulled in the various scripts that I have had scattered over several repos