Similar todos
Get lots of user feedback #shipnix
Fix bunch of small bugs from user feedback on IHP onboarding #shipnix
Get paying customer and some feedback :) #shipnix
Further work on shipnixifier #shipnix
Consider #shipnix docs good enough for now
Report back to users that bugs they experienced are fixed #shipnix
Work on fixing bugs and simplifying server views #shipnix
Write docs for how to make an exisiting project #shipnix compliant and let testers know…
Improve server dashboard #shipnix
Write a more appealing Twitter bio promoting #shipnix
Slightly improve header, add more metadata and move deploy button to a more prominent place #shipnix
Write more documentation and add syntax highlighting to docs #shipnix
Add different feature types so I can track bugs and enhancements, not just features on the public roadmap + add filter nav #shipnix
Introduction/get started part of the docs done #shipnix
Finish up my giant Twitter thread about putting ship-nix to the test by shipping an auto prioritizing roadmap on in under 24 hours. Looks like some found it interesting 👍 #shipnix
Better breadcrumbs #shipnix
Finally give some love to the landing page #shipnix
Work on writing #shipnix into official IHP docs
Fix some minor form bugs in "create new server" form #shipnix
Work on landing page #shipnix