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Publish docs on how to migrate from IHP cloud to #shipnix
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Successfully make an existing IHP project ship-nix compatible through #shipnix
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Improve importing existing Nix project #shipnix
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Successfully make the "shipnixifier/Migrate" stage support all kinds of migrating to ship-nix so it's less confusing #shipnix
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Write more documentation and add syntax highlighting to docs #shipnix
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Consider #shipnix docs good enough for now
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Introduction/get started part of the docs done #shipnix
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Work on automating process of making a project #shipnix compatible, just lacking small adjustments for it to work perfectly
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Work on writing #shipnix into official IHP docs
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Create a documentation site and start writing product documentation #shipnix
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Write documentation and explore how to differentiate between a production and a staging environment in a configuration.nix #shipnix
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First steps in moving #shipnix into production
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Write docs for having faster-than-light builds in production with compiled code #shipnix
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Work on deploying docs on same server, with some problems with JS tooling #shipnix
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Successfully deploy a test instance of ship-nix #shipnix
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Finish first draft of #shipnix docs. Will be using the next few days to fix typos and try to improve readability
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write migration docs from IHP Cloud to #shipnix. will test tomorrow to make sure it's works as perfectly as possible
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Make script that downloads generated files that makes a project compatible with #shipnix
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Make #shipnix docs color scheme align with the main site #shipnix
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Decide to rename the project from ship-nix to tite-ship, so it's not confused with being part of the NixOs foundation #shipnix
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