Similar todos
Open source node/nix breakthrough and tweet about it #shipnix…
Consider #shipnix docs good enough for now
Live-tweet about making and shipping a small project on ship-nix before launch. Done initial setup today and continuing tomorrow… #shipnix
Implement Github OAuth #shipnix
Make another tagline as "NixOS web hosting for everyone" seemed to attract negative feedback by hobbyists who are not the target audience #shipnix
Decide to rename the project from ship-nix to tite-ship, so it's not confused with being part of the NixOs foundation #shipnix
Write docs for how to make an exisiting project #shipnix compliant and let testers know…
Improve server dashboard #shipnix
Work with nodejs template #shipnix
Have some really nice breakthroughs in setting up a great dev experience for node/npm and Nix #shipnix
First steps in moving #shipnix into production
Make sure #shipnix is still usable for non-github users and that relevant views print correctly
Improve importing existing Nix project #shipnix
Create a documentation site and start writing product documentation #shipnix
Write "Push to deploy" docs. So boring #shipnix
Work on provisioning and shipping #shipnix with it's own software
Make dedicated Github organization for #shipnix and connect github oauth also through this org
First small steps to make an IHP Nix starter #shipnix
Light Nix flake exploration at home while having a common cold #shipnix
✅ Add link to I made yesterday in dashboard and landing page #shipnix