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- meditate 49 (30 min) ✅ - work on issue 9 drafts feedback ✅ - write out 1st draft on philosophy for greendeploy ✅ - write out function that generate bulkcreaterequest ✅ - ensure that the frontend submits vendor_id and the customer_quotation_number ✅ - write a separate issue 9 to get published ✅ - gym 91 - delete the squashed migrations ✅
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1. attend the followup session for [[work.icanstudy]] ✅ (already spent 1.3 hrs of 3 hrs allocated this week) 2. follow up on finance admin under [[recurring tasks|monthly.journal.2022.01#recurring-tasks]] ✅ 4. plan the list for revision for this week [[work.icanstudy.things-to-revise]] ✅ 5. solve the data issue regarding support and pcode for package E for pricebook ✅ 6. update [[mysql.levelup]] with the new LOCATE clause and REPLACE clause i learn today ✅ 7. expired 846 prices in VQP ✅ 8. draw a UI sketch for the replacement of person in project ✅
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- meditate - write version 3 for issue 5 in newsletter ✅ - write version 2 for issue 6 in newsletter ✅ - attend 5 meetings ✅ - make the dynamic mass upload work with end_row sync'd from vqp to cpop ✅
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- Meeting for writing ✅ - Upload to youtube first Build in Public ✅ - Meeting with mastermind ✅ - Testing with Siti to align calendars ✅ - Authors cohort ✅ - get back to the illustrator on upwork ✅ - Tennis ✅ - write issue 7 draft 2 ✅
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- make sure it can see all the various types of quotations tables (waiting for enduser to confirm which table they got stuck at. Manage to solve 1 endpoint with test) 🟡 #enpvqp
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- meditate 51 (30 min) ✅ - configure cloudflare WAF to better withstand DDoS ✅ - answer diyan questions ✅ - write first draft of documentation on how to up server from scratch ✅ - add new warehouse linkage for VQP ✅
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meeting with mastermind group ✅ meeting with writing accountability group ✅ meeting with POV marketing call ✅ meeting for PTA group ✅ deploy the new form on production ✅ finish v3 for issue 4 newsletter ✅
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Review #stateofdevs progress & figure out next steps
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compiling progress done into spreadsheets, getting ready to present lots of new stuff
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Send out post meeting update for Project Structure #enovqp
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Send out post meeting update for Project Structure #enovqp
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- study balaji requests for mass convert customer po to vendor quotations for verification ✅ - study metabase, forestadmin in terms of how to fit it into my requirements ✅ - spend 1 hr on Django for Excel manuscript ✅ - attend 7 meetings 6/7 ✅ - meditate 47 (30m) ✅
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- 2 hrs: fix the multiple product url ✅ - 1 hr: troubleshoot the FLIR issue ✅ - writing of draft 2 for async work and ask for feedback ✅ - descript record the other 3-4 talks by pybay ✅
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- tackle the remaining 4 subtasks for the one about setting up new staging using Hector's suggestion. ✅ #enpvqp
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- wrote out the kernel intro for new manuscript ✅ - greendeploy weekly video 3 ✅ - shoot vlog 6:✅ - found 3 bugs while shooting video 3 ✅ - fixed 1/3 bugs found ✅ - meeting with potential upwork contractor abt improve linkedin profile ✅ - restart 4x weekly gym with session 1 ✅ - meditate session 43 (20m) ✅ - meditate session 44 (30m) - redo the bulkcreatebulkpo in cake-json codebase instead for teng how ✅
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started wrting up the analysis for client project #ekh
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- follow up with tenant abt how to automate the utils ✅ - give feedback for writing ✅ - answer Justin abt V taxonomy ✅ - answer upwork freelancer questions ✅ - run 1 end to end with no problem with bulk_create ✅ - 2 meetings ✅ - ensure customer Nanjing team can access the website for upload after a change in the firewall rules ✅
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- Finish 9/17 of [MTT-598](…) ✅ #enpvqp
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August project planning.
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✏️ I did a bunch of issue/project work for #djangopackages including hosting a week group meeting to discuss new features
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