Similar todos
Do proper "garbage collection" and delete SSH keys and dangling images when deleting Digital Ocean credentials from dashboard #shipnix
Touch up on DigitalOcean Credential dashboard and make the consequenses of deleting very clear #shipnix
Instead of #shipnix managing a big known_hosts for all projects, which could be a security issue, assign a known_hosts file for each user, and garbage collect on server deletion
Create nix flake after provisioned server #shipnix
Build 22.11 DigitialOcean image and verify creating servers still works #shipnix
Delete SSH keys stored on DigitalOcean when deleting credentials for an account #shipnix
Work on provisioning and shipping #shipnix with it's own software
Functionality to replace the provisioned server repo with a custom one #shipnix
Functionality for uploading DigitalOcean images to S3 storage for server provisioning #shipnix
Let user cancel builds and process and kill them properly, so that system resources are freed if something hangs or doesn`t go as expected #shipnix
Programmatically provision a NixOS server from web dashboard #shipnix
Change name back to ship-nix as test users liked it better #shipnix
Store deploy key information in database when using Github so the keys can later be deleted when server is destroyed or ejected. And implement this functionality on server deletion. #shipnix
Remove Hobby tier of #shipnix making it the new free plan
Make proper destroy server modal with mandatory security check #shipnix
Successfully deploy a test instance of ship-nix #shipnix
Downgrade (resize) overkill specs for DigitalOcean droplet to lessen impact on financial burndown #shipnix
First steps in moving #shipnix into production
Add auto garbage collection option #shipnix
Seperate process for all file actions needed for provisioning a ship-nix project so it can be used also for "shipnixifying" a existing code repositories #shipnix