Similar todos
Programmatically provision a NixOS server from web dashboard #shipnix
Make after-provision script a file on provisioned server instead of running via ship-nix directly #shipnix
Explore Nix flake devShell for also creating dev environments for all supported starters #shipnix
Work on provisioning and shipping #shipnix with it's own software
First ever server provisioning in production performed #shipnix
Slightly improve provisioning time with easy fix #shipnix
Inspect code from other Nix flakes for researching how to make good dev environments #shipnix #
Fight with shell scripting intricacies, but finally be able to provision a server and right after perform actions on the server programmatically #shipnix
First small steps to make an IHP Nix starter #shipnix
Functionality to replace the provisioned server repo with a custom one #shipnix
Work on serving built packages from stage to production to shorten rebuild time #shipnix
Work on IHP template automated provisioner #shipnix
Speed up server provisioning process 2X by not accidentaly running each script twice 🤦 #shipnix
Seperate process for all file actions needed for provisioning a ship-nix project so it can be used also for "shipnixifying" a existing code repositories #shipnix
Light Nix flake exploration at home while having a common cold #shipnix
Generate specific SSH keys inside each server on provisioning #shipnix
Send automated email when a server is successfully provisioned, provisioning fails or server rebuild fails #shipnix
Provision a vanilla Minecraft server through #shipnix WIP, but works!
Provision a static site server from end to end via the web dashboard #shipnix
Greatly improve flow for uploading provisioned server code to a git repo, splitting it up in simple steps #shipnix