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meet a designer that helped me with prototype for brunch
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Prototype a new product I am way too excited about
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do a working prototype 🤕
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Tweet about the prototype #sitesauce
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Made prototype
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Go to friends' startup office to hand in some prototypes I helped them with #life
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Show lo-fi prototype v2 to potential users #hustl
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Working prototype! #dreamshot
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prototyping a new idea
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work on prototyping #brewfolk
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#checkyourlist work on prototype
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work on prototype #bestow
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Kicked off ugly prototype for customer meeting next week #domy
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showed the prototype to few users #blinkloader
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Have catchup call with designer friend #mcpizzalife
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hold a prototyping/testing workshop :D
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#fbce research new idea and think if I build prototype (decision: try to make it in 4 hours)
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Finished the prototype #blog
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publish post about prototyping time machine #prototypr 👉…
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Do prototype brainstorm session. #jovial
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