Similar todos
show warning when trial is about to expire or already expired #wip
Write a test for the updater lambda to test email sending when a domain name is about to expire #domainwatchman
Finish and test all email notifications #larametrics
Finish newsletter tests #remoteindex
Test the whole functionality one last time #devopsengineers
finish coding test part 1
finish sending notification messages
Create test for Stripe trial period ending properly
write tests and controller for notifications #botreach
Finish writing email subscription tests #remoteindex
Finish writing email and search tests #remoteindex
implement checking if trial expired (not doing anything with that yet) #blip
Change the frequency of expiration emails #domainwatchman
Send a notification when the expiration date is updated #domainwatchman
testing functions #emoday
finish send test email flow #tinyfeedback
make trial expired window #blip
Finish payment tests #remoteindex