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- follow up on sphinx-book-theme on how to add custom script tags in head [issue](…) ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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- followup with sphinx-book-theme on how to add custom script tags in head [issue](…) ♻ #entrepreneurialeng
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- research on how to possibly fork sphinx-book-theme to have custom script tags in head ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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- follow up on sphinx-book-theme on how to add custom script tags in head ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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- figure out how to add custom snippet into sphinx-book-theme > learned I can use super() to override the parent theme extrahead to add custom js snippet… +… +… ♻️ #entrepreneurialeng
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- research how the jupyter-book theme works ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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- fix the sphinx installation issue ✅ #enpvqp
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Make pull request for feature #devjob
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pull requests
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pull requests
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client: create pull request on new feature branch
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submit pull request to awesome-indie #bootstrapmoney
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Pull requests #larametrics
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submit PR for code review #thecompaniesapi
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- fix the pip and piptools issue raised by @yemiwebber ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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push ghost theme to github
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Make a pull request to fix a syntax error I noticed in the `pay-rails` documentation while following the setup guide #prompthero
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Respond to #makemediumreadable pull requests
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merge @pugson’s pull request #swoop
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Make new pull request on IHP docs #shipnix
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