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Greatly improve flow for uploading provisioned server code to a git repo, splitting it up in simple steps #shipnix
configure different dev and prod keys on shipr-nextjs #shipr
Slightly improve provisioning time with easy fix #shipnix
#me swap ssh keys on pau server
Seperate process for all file actions needed for provisioning a ship-nix project so it can be used also for "shipnixifying" a existing code repositories #shipnix
Add docs for "can't connect ssh" #shipnix
Make it possible for server owners to share server access to other users #shipnix
Functionality to replace the provisioned server repo with a custom one #shipnix
Provision server with a static site #shipnix
Send automated email when a server is successfully provisioned, provisioning fails or server rebuild fails #shipnix
Programmatically provision a NixOS server from web dashboard #shipnix
figure out how to auto create SSH key in user's DO account in order to allow auto config of their servers #greendeploy
set up SSH keys on phone for personal and work server
7. generate a new SSH key based on user input for repo ✅ #greendeploy
Store deploy key information in database when using Github so the keys can later be deleted when server is destroyed or ejected. And implement this functionality on server deletion. #shipnix
Functionality for uploading DigitalOcean images to S3 storage for server provisioning #shipnix
Make IHP postgres provisioning simpler and more secure #shipnix
Set up preliminary view for creating and pushing server configuration to Github repo #shipnix