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#life Reconfirm with old bank that they're closing my old account because no one was reaching out
#life Tell insurance that they still have my old bank account from 6 years ago for some reason and they should pls update it
#life Get new debit card
#life Get credit card blocked because I forgot to put money in my account and they couldn't settle the old bill yet
#life Order new credit card at new bank
#life Finalize setting up new bank accounts and send closure request for all accounts to old bank
#life Cover remaining balance on old credit card account
Pay credit card bill #life2
#life Call bank to unblock my credit card because my email service just canceled my subscription because they weren’t able to charge me 3 times
#life Tell current main client that I'm wrapping up self-employedness
#life Go to bank to get account transfer settled
cancel no longer needed account #lifestuff
switch credit cards to new accounts #life
#life Start transferring accounts to new bank
#life Receive letter from bank that economy is REKT and they will no longer pay interest and charge negative interest on deposits over 100k
#life Officially unregister old car from my name
Cancelled old credit cards and PoS #chores