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Start familiarizing myself with Shopify apps API #funmode
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start setting up shopify store #playground
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Experiment with Shopify Checkout Extension #blg
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Started learning Shopify API for new app
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start setting up the Shopify store #mrmopsecom
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Put kick-off on the books for new private Shopify app project #jodaworks
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More notes on Shopify template building
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working with shopify app
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learn to create a slider calculator
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Figure out how to extend Shopify Checkout UI #blg
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Add Shopify Apps #appwatch
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Debug billing for our Shopify app #faqsonmetaobjects at #codersfail because Shopify doesn't make this easy for us, even after many years of app development
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Setup new Shopify app to start testing Auth0 frontend integration #coderswin
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💼 client work: figure out Shopify → Google Sheets automation issue #tauron
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get started building shopify app with rails
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content Shopify
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set up shopify a bit more #tid
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write basic version of side hustle calculator #financialtoolbelt
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Brainstorming the approach for the new Shopify app #validator
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begin writing basic forms for side hustle calculator
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