Similar todos
Change "Showcase" to "Discover websites" and add icons for the filters - featured, new, popular, for sales, etc #highscoredomains
Showcase pro customer above the leaderboard #highscoredomains
create showcase sponsor section for landing and category pages, and highlight new sponsors #saasboilerplates
Rename "Fancy" to "Websites" and show on home page #highscoredomains
featured categories on homepage
Video showcase on homepage #melies
Profile page for domains #highscoredomains
#sheet2site add each showcase category page to sitemap
add "featured in" section on landing page #cssscan
show featured by default in "Discover websites" #highscoredomains
Design "Featured on" badges #visiondirectory
tweet about "Showcase" being changed to "Discover websites" and why:… #highscoredomains
#sheet2site fix old link of showcase redirect from s/showcase to showcase
make an showcase page for each submit.. #coinlistr
#sheet2site showcase page has a page for each category like:…,…,… and so on
Showcase the 'latest edition' link on the homepage #txf
remove brokes website from showcases #sheet2site
Rearrange featured listings in homepage so it makes sense #moroccohomelist
Configure urls for input images in showcase and add properties and creator's user name #fashn