Similar todos
Write community roundup article for CityDAO:…
Publish community roundup article:…
first draft of 3rd newsletter #ekh
1st draft #skillmap weekly update log
Add scaffolding to CityDAO community roundup article
Draft 5th weekly newsletter
Write a draft of newsletter #02 #substack
edited draft for #djangonews #177
Outline newsletter #2 (to publish Oct 17) #substack
1st drafts of remaining #20startups articles
drafted #djangonews #172
Code up new community sharing section for this edition and future ones where it is used, hopefully once a month #creativity
draft of article for newsletter
Publish community roundup article & send to members
draft 2020-06-30 newsletter #codewithhugo
start newsletter draft
rough first draft on blog post #starterstory
Write draft newsletter to building association
Draft community posts.