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Added auto-scroll down 30px when line break created in textarea, to keep typing input at vertical center of screen #lifelog
fix text sizing to make things look cleaner
writing chapter 8 scrollview with dynamic content using autolayout #autolayoutbook
Working scrollable locations on iOS
writing chapter 7 self sizing tableview #autolayoutbook
improve text editor #perspectiva
fix scroll heights on newsletter reader #prototypr
#pintura fix overflow bug on iOS
#pintura Fix performance of multiline text resizing.
fix wierd scrollview bounce when adding new items #checkyourlist
autoresize textareas #multitool
Fix cmd+left/right messing with text input and navigating date instead while textView is active #blip
#checkyourlist get scrollview scrolling to text element
#tapslock update textarea to autosize as you edit a document
figure out how to get a multi-line text input on macos 10.15+ via swiftui #blip
Make #five keyboard close when tapping away with existing textfields still tappable
#pintura tweak size input form so GO key is shown on iOS keyboard