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added +11 new recording studios in Berlin - spreadsheet is open for everyone who wants to help me add more studios (…) - help appreciated 🙂 #studiolist
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added 12 new recording studios in Berlin to #studiolist
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added 10 more recording studios in Berlin and called some to see whether they’re still offering their service #studiolist
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add voiceover recording studio in Bath, UK - now it's 89 verified studios *yeah* #studiolist
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create /list sub-page to list studios there #studiolist
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add all 26 UK studios (London, Oxford, Sheffield, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, Cardiff) #studiolist
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bolder and more targeted name "Best Recording Studios for Digital Voiceover Nomads" (instead of "Voiceover studios for Actors, Audiobook Narrators, YouTubers and Podcasters") #studiolist
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built the first html draft of #studiolist including: home page, sub-page for studios in Berlin, embedded OpenStreetMap using and the authentication token from; and added the first two studios to the map with a popup and link to their contact page. Good progress! I could publish this version already but I want to add more studios first so it's looks more populated when live.
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make contact information (email, phone) to recording studio available only after registration to avoid that studios get spammed #studiolist
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create MVP - a simple text list incl. all verified studios incl. their location and website (access to the contact person’s name and their email address for now only via log-in only for confidentiality reasons and to avoid spam) #studiolist
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Building Studiolist (2020 Documentation) Week 4+5 #studiolist
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make /index page leaner (less cluttered) by outsourcing the actual list of studios to the the /list sub-page #studiolist
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call all recording studios I could in Casablanca and arrange meetings with those I could reach #studiolist
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Building Studiolist (2020 Documentation) Week 2 #studiolist
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Building Studiolist (2020 Documentation) Week 3 #studiolist
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basstraps arrived today for my studio (Zappa Studios 611) here in Berlin, and yes I will list my own studio on #studiolist when done and ready to welcome voiceover artists :)
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set up #studiolist
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reached out to St. Petersburg, Florida recording studios via email / FB message / website contact form (all others I will call when in St. Pete this Saturday) #studiolist
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Building Studiolist (2020 Docu) Week 1 #studiolist -
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added Moroccan studios who agreed to be listed here, some amendments on the frontpage copytext #studiolist
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