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#timed Add "add new" button and figure out spacing in SwiftUI
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Started creating a game in SwiftUI
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experiment with SwiftUI (…) #ketnet
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figure out a better way to clear SwiftUI state when showing window again #blip
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write the first SwiftUI code for a game app
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Playing around with SwiftUI animations to create goal week insight preview #progrs
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#timed Figure out how to observe time changes with Swift library
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Mentor session on SwiftUI #freelance
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pick SwiftUI over React Native #ketnet
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Redesign Settings with SwiftUI #nomeattoday
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Start Loader implementation - SwiftUI ✨
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try to build widget in swiftui #rewardsflights
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add first part in swiftui #rewardsflights
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Make usable review screen on watchOS and iOS using SwiftUI #progrs
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learn how to properly manage state in swiftui
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Explore available charts in SwiftUI and add mocked image to project #progrs
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figure out how to deal with self adjustable swiftUI view depending on content size
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figure out how to get a multi-line text input on macos 10.15+ via swiftui #blip
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Hit limitations of SwiftUI list too many times, drop down to UIKit UITableView #checkyourlist
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Started new Xcode project with SwiftUI only, began add new progrs flow #progrs
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