Similar todos
Finished week goal insight prototype for iOS #progrs
Started creating a game in SwiftUI
Prepared weekly goal insight prototype for watchOS #progrs
update preview mode with small animation #wkly
Imported weekly animated goal insight to main project #progrs
experiment with SwiftUI (…) #ketnet
Last weekend started to create a racing game in Swift UI. Basic logic done here.
scan through few SwiftUI tutorials
Add interactive week view #monitorai
#time Figure out how to make a popover app in SwiftUI
Make usable review screen on watchOS and iOS using SwiftUI #progrs
Working on today summary insight for watchOS #progrs
Explore SwiftUI ARKit
figure out a better way to clear SwiftUI state when showing window again #blip
write post on how to debug SwiftUI redraw issues… #stuff
Redesign Settings with SwiftUI #nomeattoday
watch bunch of tutorials on data management in swiftui
Make week progress clickable and switch from week number to percentage #woml
write week 4 reflection… #blip