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✏️ published an article on testing with Django…
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✏️ drafted a blog post about slow test suites in python/django #mylife
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Podcast interview #ss
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🎙 hosting office hours for a bunch of #django and #python people
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podcast interview feedback #honesttribe
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record podcast interview for stack overflow #japandev
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podcast interview #gamequitters
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🎙 appeared on the DjangoChat podcast again to discuss all-the-things
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🎙 appeared on this week's Django Chat Podcast which just dropped earlier today #myilfe
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scheduled user interview with 4th django familiar dev #greendeploy
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podcast interview. #mylife
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Do my first podcast interview
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Podcast interview for #sta
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- Figure out how to use pytest with codecov and circleci while using docker for my django app ⭐️✅ #greendeploy
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schedule podcast interview #japandev
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Edit first podcast interview #sta
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The DjangoChat podcast episode I was on last month is live today.… #mylife
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interview with 3rd django familiar person #greendeploy
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finished pypi tests and deployed fixes #djangopackages
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finished some django-fsm tests and code to test some twitter features since I want to schedule some things differently that existing apps seem to want to let me do
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