Similar todos
review Vuex parts of code and use mapState & mapAction helpers where needed #abcgamers
Improvement: seperate Vuex stuff in different modules (CSS, AppState, etc) #devsync
Add Vuex store to manage site-wide preferences #glance
Add app state (Vuex) and loading bar #scouvy
refactor auth into vuex module #watchr
move Vuex to typescript, kinda #devsync
rewrite Gitlab Vuex example to Svelte stores example
Replace all remaining references to $store.state in the .vue files with mapState, except those references that are part of a getter in a computed property with the same name as the state variable. #rhymecraft
Setup Vue app with Vuex because that’s what hipsters do #roast
Create a VuePress plugin #simpleanalytics
make progress on vue3 migration #japandev
Redux-persist migration from the old state structure to new one #devhub
Do some performance improvements on #crisp V4 state management system
merge PR in vue-cookie-law #github
rewatch Section 17 "Better State Management with Vuex" at… #devlearning
Got tests working for Vue/Vuex! #rhymecraft