Similar todos
#slim fix issue with image orientation presented incorrectly on Chrome 81 and latest iOS 13.4 Safari
#dokawp fix issue with image orientation presented incorrectly on Chrome 81 and latest iOS 13.4 Safari
⚙️ rollback iPad to ipados13 #life
#pintura fix overflow bug on iOS
Investigate ios16.1 issues with scrollTo and list #checkyourlist
#pintura [next] fix ios spinner wobble
Unified browse buttons on watchOS and iOS (took way more time than expected, thanks SwiftUI 😢) #progrs
#darkmodelist fix fucking ios links
fix overlay iOS iframe scroll bug #checkoutpage
Look into if Apple has fixed scrollTo bug with List() in iOS16 swiftUi #checkyourlist
update iOS18 #fajarsiddiq
fix double touch :hover issue on iOS #captioncat