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#notes Show starred note name in little tooltip so user knows what notes they are
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#notes Add starred notes to sidebar for quick access
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#notes Add little tooltips to sidebar as preparation for starable notes
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#notes Make notes star-able
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#notes Make starred notes accessible by keyboard shortcut
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#notes Make starable notes actually switch to appropriate note
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added typing indicator #instabotgpt
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#hotlist add focus indicator
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#notes Persist starred notes to storage
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Add an unsaved indicator #regexforge
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#cropguide add lil status indicator
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#notes Allow only 5 notes to be starred, so they can all be accessed by keyboard shortcut (Cmd 4-8)
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align note icons and colour #thumblr
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add additional focused/inactive indicator to the inline editor #blip
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add "notes"-feature #likeometer
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#readingnote ui) mark empty notes
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#notes Show notes in project when selected
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#notes Add a little button to create new note, because this action was not available without keyboard shortcut (cc @joshuavoydik)
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add notes under each #clone
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create reading indicator #cardmapr
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