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Publish upcoming game on #whirlytoad
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Upload to #yuffie
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launch on itch #mused
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Deploy my game for gamejam Ludum Dare
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make quest build & upload to itch page #mused
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Play all the other HyperJam submissions #zg
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Register for Brackey's game jam #guild
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Finish first iteration of the HyperJam game #zg
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join pixel art game jam… #mused
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Start a moodboard for a mini game for the Merveilles HyperJam #zg
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share friend’s indie game as an experiment #blog2
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Restore an old game to get it prepared for a submission to a publisher
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Submit the game to the publisher for a review
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Publish first build in public post -… #indie
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Publish on packagist! #larametrics
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publish new case study #gamequitters
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Submit the game to one more publisher just in case
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get new build uploaded on itch… #mused
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Wirefaming my game for Gamejammmm!
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prototype capsule & get build on itch #mused…
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