Similar todos
Add/manage tour stops in admin (moneytree) #matterloop
Front-end for public journeys #mindwave
Frontend: edition listing #awarded
Frontend for work experience
Improved frontend #analyticks
Make tour page look nice (moneytree) #matterloop
add your tours page and tour processing state #mused
Complete tour event share panel (moneytree) #matterloop
Improve tour layout (moneytree) #matterloop
create add to map frontend page
implement tracking tags for booking frontend #bktm
Frontend: home page listing #awarded
finish frontend gallery for client
Front end for viewing the model details for a project #modelchimp
#life Add summing functionality to tour planner
Front end for viewing the models for a project #modelchimp
create frontend #talkdjango
Finished frontend of meetup page #indielog
Set up ticketing system linked to Spotify to show upcoming concerts on profile #fauxmusicmanager