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#pintura rectangular crop mask
make design more compact to fit square crops #tweetphoto
#pintura add max size calculations to crop rectangle
#pintura limit free-crop rectangle to minimum size
#pintura add cropping outside of image bounds
#pintura [next] animate crop rect corner controls
#filepond image editor limit autoscale image to always fit initial crop rectangle
#pintura [next] limit scaling of target crop rectangle to min and max size parameters
#pintura create crop and resize panel and update crop rectangle based on input
#pintura [next] add crop selection interaction + corner and edge elasticness
Always crop company logo so it fits in square rather than gets squeezed #startupjobs
#pintura [next] fix crop aspect ratio being inverted
#filepond limit image rescale to crop area
#pintura [next] add crop resize controls
#pintura [next] add rounded rectangle shape
#pintura add additional space above and below crop area
Ship image crop in case the aspect ratio is not supported #fashn
#pintura [next] invalidate crop aspect ratios that would result in invalid output
#filepond image editor scale image with crop rectangle size
#filepond work out boundaries of image and crop rectangle while dragging image