Similar todos
Save app input data into database #quicklogging
save shop data to DB on app install #tinyfeedback
Save app to database #quicklogging
build data for new app
Set up basic app structure
Save app fields to database #quicklogging
create app #pug
Start working on saving data #exerciseapp
basic CRUD for action is done #hookeepr
save all user data with the right model
Finish data mock for #crisp app
Create database manager & store the app list locally #stho
#contactbox interface to create new app
Create data mock adapter for the #crisp app, to make testing easier
created payment app, set up new models for #zeropercent
Outline data structure and app MVP features #usethekeyboard
Create prompt table & model #blip
setup infrastructure for app
Create migration, model, and controller for requests #larametrics