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solo-parenting family day of taking walks, played outside, ordered pizza, watered the plants, did laundry, and now chilling watching videos #mylife
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❄️ snowed/iced in with the kids today so first 1/2 of my day was solo-parenting #mylife
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🏡 solo-parenting all weekend and mostly took care of kids and keeping everything moving #mylife
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last day of solo-parenting was good. working on a bit of client work too to at least know what I'm in for tomorrow
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solo-parenting this weekend. doing family stuff this morning #mylife
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🏡 mowed half the yard before being rained out, made burgers for the family, took a nap, and had a chill day #mylife
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mostly solo-parented today, but spent some time configuring Tailscale tonight with good results
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👨‍👦 solo daddying with my son for the next four days #mylife
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made dinner and played video games while hanging out with my son #mylife
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had a great weekend with the five month old and the other two made it back tonight #mylife
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ate tacos, watched a movie with the family, put kiddo to bed, and chilling on some side projects + twitter to welcome in the new year
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🏡 mowed, added some new watering line, made dinner, and played games with the family
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did a bunch of home stuff today. raked leaves. listened to people celebrating our new President. good day #mylife
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🏡 mowed the yard and did some yard work while the kiddo napped #mylife
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🏡 catching up one stuff around the house while solo-parenting with the kids #mylife
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came home, settled the kids (aka let them watch youtube on TV lol), and started night work #currentclients
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lots of good family time today #mylife
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lots of good family time today #mylife
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solo-parented with the kids today
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Walk in park w/ daughter & dog, cook, eat, put daughter to bed for a nap. Back to work!
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