Similar todos
🏡 mowed half the yard before being rained out, made burgers for the family, took a nap, and had a chill day #mylife
🏡 mowed yard, did a bunch of outside errands, ran the hardware store, and spent some quality time with the family #mylife
🏡 mowed the yard and all the things #house
🏡 mowed the yard and caught up on email #mylife
🏡 mowed the lawn, listened to a few podcasts, had some family time, and thought about next project steps #mylife
rested up, made dinner, and play video games with the family #mylife
🏡 mowed the yard and lots of small clean up outsside #mylife
🏡 mowed and fertilized the yard #mylife
🏡 mowed, weeded, spread seed, and did all of the outside stuff I would have normally done yesterday today. #mylife
🏡 mowed the yard and did some yard work while the kiddo napped #mylife
🏡 mowed and caught up on all the yard stuff about half of it with my oldest #mylife
Mowed, coached son's football game, and dinner by the river w/ the family #life
🏡 mowed the lawn and trimmed #mylife
🏡 mostly a family day with my two kids. my oldest wasn't feeling great so we hung out, watched football, and I made dinner #mylife
🏡 mowed, trimmed, and did all the things to my yard #mylife
🏡 finished mowing the lawn #mylife
🏡 mowed my yard #mylife
🏡 mowed, trimmed, and raked outside #mylife