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learned the fundamentals of GraphQL
👨💻 continue learning nextjs
Setup Resend/react-email sending through NestJS #accesscache
Dive a little deeper into React Query #freelance
graphql node tutorial
research react-query
#trackfootball #238 Blog "RBAC in react"
learn react.js
#pn research redis que systems and NPM modules
Learned basics of GraphQL #life
learning graphql stuff / combining it with react / apollo #support
📗learn difference between REST and GraphQL 🔥… #otter
I fixed the data encryption in #speechzap and found out that in NestJS all injected dependencies are singletons by default, which led to data being encrypted/decrypted with random users' private keys due to my service's caching not considering the user ID.
write up and package sequelize cheat sheet #codewithhugo
write article on holding React Query in a fun new way #blog2
played with Nextjs for blog #starwaves
Learn GraphQL
Learn more nextjs app dir stuff for fun #life