Vanilla Blogging
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Disable domain name field if validation is in progress #vanillablogging
Track changes made to domain name and initiate the same on cloudflare #vanillablogging
Add domain connect to Setting page #vanillablogging
Add "Settings" button for blog #vanillablogging
Increase the height of the trix form using min height css property since rows: property doesn't seem to work #vanillablogging
Show form to create blog after sign up #vanillablogging
Add few more details to the homepage while the app is getting ready #vanillablogging
test cloudflare custom hostnames API for custom domain support #vanillablogging
Reply to stripe support about how to change payout currency to USD #vanillablogging
Pricing page with details like page views and storage #vanillablogging
Homepage for beta version #vanillablogging
Add stripe subscribe button #vanillablogging
Send me a notification via slack if someone creates a blog. So that I can reach out about how to connect to their domain #vanillablogging
Keep the $20/year plan and remove the $50/month business plan #vanillablogging
Create product and payment link in stripe #vanillablogging
Archive all projects except #vanillablogging to focus on one project in 2024
Create a stripe account and submit documents for approval #vanillablogging
Use puma as web server instead of passenger as seeing ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (Can't verify CSRF token authenticity.) with latest rails #vanillablogging
Upgrade from rails 7.0.7 to 7.1.2 #vanillablogging
Do not allow email to be used as password #vanillablogging