Vanilla Blogging
upgrade rails from 7.2 to 8.0 #vanillablogging
replace annotate gem to annoraterb in preparation of rails 8 upgrade #vanillablogging
upgrade rails from 7.1.3 to #vanillablogging
review and merge PRs opened by dependabot #vanillablogging
rebrand "One Simple Blog" to "Vanillla Blogging". finally I can just say "Vanilla" instead of the long three word everytime :D #vanillablogging
move servers from aws ec2 to digital ocean #vanillablogging
invite seo specialist to search console #vanillablogging
use #vanillablogging to host a changelog page for #vanillablogging :D
Updated the h1 text to "The easiest way to add a blog to your website." as per the seo expert's suggestion #vanillablogging
Added a Signup button next to login in addition to the "get started" in the hero section #vanillablogging
Add a "Recent writings" section below the article for readers to discover other articles in the blog easily #vanillablogging
Ship new blog design with articles separated by year #vanillablogging
Add page.
We had this in the homepage before and got removed with new homepage design. Adding it back in a new page so we can share it with someone who is looking for few ideas to get started. #vanillablogging
Ship new homepage #vanillablogging
start tracking the work in basecamp #vanillablogging
review design progress for onboarding experience and give some suggestions #vanillablogging
add to google search console #vanillablogging
seo preparation #vanillablogging
review design #vanillablogging
reply to onboarding question by design team #vanillablogging