Therapist AI
Therapist AI
The first AI mental help coach available to you 24/7. Send me a chat or voice messages to talk to me.
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add payment link $29 for 1000 messages #therapistai
test suicide convo so it doesn't tell them to suicide and it doesn't #therapistai
add failure catching if LLM API doesn't respond fast enough and try again later then #therapistai
collect feedback #therapistai from 10 users
report Groq API bug #therapistai
add better welcome/credit msg #therapistai
add big button to top up #therapistai
build credit system #therapistai
increment messages sent in db to track usage #therapistai
ask friends to test #therapistai
add welcome message #therapistai
add join message for new users #therapistai
make #therapistai bot check in to people after a few hours or a day or so to see how they doing
make #therapistai accept voice messages and talk back
make #therapistai talk with voice messages
get TTS voice data back to send as voice msg #therapistai
add typing... to #therapistai
make #therapistai queueWorker robot that works the message queue
make ephemeral context db so we can respond to Telegram webhook without delay #therapistai
have first therapy session with #therapistai on Telegram with context memory