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tweeted about copycat that made a comparing page to #sponsorgap claiming its cheaper…
customer support #sponsorgap
fixed bug on profile page #sponsorgap
started to creare a new feature for #sponsorgap - create automated sales reports that sends you the sponsors diretly as csv into your inbox
got inside as customer of #sponsorgap
fixed bug on datasets because paid user was logged out when clicking the brand link #sponsorgap
You can now click on all sponsorships and ads in #sponsorgap to see the ad in the newsletter. Had already an external link but this is way better so you don't have to leave the site. Easy to check now what product a brand is promoting exactly and how.
sent out latest #sponsorgap newsletter
added mongo db to save the audience size, formcount, name of newsletter for #sponsorgap search engine
just deployed first free tool for #sponsorgap - Sponsorship Search Engine: Submit your Newsletter/Website/Podcast name, industry field, and audience size. We built a list of potential sponsors
created a free sponorship search engine for newsletter creators to create a sponsor list based on their industry field and audience size #sponsorgap
called out copy cat of #sponsorgap that tried to sell me their service but can't even get my name right…
added crosspromotion subpage to #sponsorgap
added function to protect routes + settings page #sponsorgap
answered emails to potential enterprise customers #sponsorgap
added last time logged in logic to #sponsorgap user model
update stripe webhooks for #sponsorgap
fixed stripe checkout user email bug #sponsorgap
fixed payment bug on #sponsorgap register form
fixed choose plan bug #sponsorgap