Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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add live CO₂ emissions removal data from @Stripe Climate to #remoteok /open
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make checkIfSourcedJobIsClosed.php auto close and open job and save last_checked time we can display #remoteok
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make checkIfSourcedJobIsClosed.php #remoteok (thx @AndreyAzimov)
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add employment_type to #remoteok because companies asked for it
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move #remoteok company pages from /remote-companies/{company} to /{company} to simplify URLs to root
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hide hot.gif and new.gif if compact mode #remoteok
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report on traffic up since .COM buy #remoteok…
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fix #remoteok recruiter endless redirect because we didn’t ask for USERNAME on sign up, so their user_id was same as username, then when I stopped hiding usernames in URL with user_id, I started redirecting /@user_id to /@username but because for recruiters it was the same it became an endless redirect
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pass $1.3M/y #remoteok
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extrapolate email tracking clicks [ applied ] based on that we started logging email clicks from today #remoteok
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start tracking mailto: links for jobs with only [apply_email] to by redirecting them with the redirector e.g. because Honu AI asked about it, before I didn’t because I wasn’t able to redirect to mailto: with PHP header(“Location:”) but now I use JS and it works #remoteok
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improve side box job post #remoteok and add stats to it and apply button
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add new domain to reCAPTCHA domains cause sign up was failing #remoteok
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fix JSON LD #remoteok (thx @AndreyAzimov) and add Uptimerobot monitor so it doesn’t rek again in the background
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use positive English words from today for new job posts for anti spam protection after getting complaints about weird word combos like CASINO LOSE MONEY #remoteok
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add start of company profile box in job posts #remoteok
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change sitemap from .io to .com #remoteok because someone said I should keep the old URLs for a bit so Google follows them to the new site with 301
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add live pageviews from Simple Analytics into nav #remoteok
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process feedback from Emilie from Wild Audience and fix some bugs she mentioned #remoteok
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add <a target=“_blank” rel=“nofollow noopener” on JS markdown processor for job posts #remoteok
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