Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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make more cases for asking for discount: 1) loyal company with company name in email domain = OK, 2) loyal company with previously used email = OK, 3) new company = OK, 4) company that already posted but isn’t loyal customer yet = NOT OK, 5) loyal company with unknown email and company name not in email domain = NOT OK #remoteok
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add live traffic data on #remoteok sidebar post job page
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add Indeed as customer #remoteok
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fix bug where if user would select a job tag like [ Developer ] then they would open a job and the URL would change to the job then add a second tag while the job stays open, the URL would be the job post instead of /remote-developer-jobs, so it’d replace the wrong URL and go to a 404, save originalUrl now and replace that instead #remoteok
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fix referrer tracking #remoteok
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add filter to auto nuke W9 and 1099 US IRS form requests #remoteok
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test eligibility logic for auto discounts #remoteok
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add strotime() wrapper for strtotime() recurring typo #remoteok
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build “Ask for discount” page where companies who want a discount can ask for it and it gets automatically checked if they’re eligible (new customers, or loyal customers can get a discount, if they didn’t get a discount recently) and sends them instantly #remoteok
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fix company not verified because company_name “Relevance AI” does not match domain name “relevanceAI.tld” because they have “”, so check for match without .ai #remoteok
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add [ Resend job posted email ] because sometimes (like 4 times per month (or 2%) of companies don’t get it, so now admin can resend them #remoteok
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tell We Work Meteor guy his API is down #remoteok
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set checks for setting cookie for prefill remote ok job post form because @marc found out that if you use a coupon (prepaid) there’s no invoice address box because coupon is used but it would still set the cookie resulting in UNDEFINED value when you post a job next #remoteok
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fix “originally posted” date wrong cause overwritten in $job[‘epoch_original’] twice #remoteok
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track discount_code used for job post when it’s posted to see if the 25% off discount on every next job post increases sales #remoteok (cc @AndreyAzimov)
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log 404s only for members #remoteok
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add max file size 1mb for detecting dominant color to avoid spammers #remoteok
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stop random person from uploading giant photos of himself as company logo on job post and not paying (???) #remoteok
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fix applied count bug due to math formula to fix spam appliers months ago #remoteok
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fix swipe back in iOS doesn’t work due to redirect with JS that pre-calcs the anti-bot hash ?rh= in JS on job page itself with backwards compatibility for non-JS apply #remoteok
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