Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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use new normalized user location data from nationality_country_code on /stats page #remoteok for highest and lowest paid remote workers
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fix if admin edits sticky job post it resets the timer and puts it back to top #remoteok
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add company and general search to tag filter #remoteok
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auto detect countries/cities and convert to country codes on #remoteok worker profiles to normalize the data
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make sure custom tags not in our $allTags list our also added #remoteok
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change tag text box to tomSelect tag box #remoteok
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reach new record low of <$60,000/mo #remoteok
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if Lever ATS job add /apply to redirect URL to go straight into apply form #remoteok
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add filtering to company pages #remoteok
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don’t add ? if apply URL set by company already has their own utm_source set #remoteok
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improve floating apply button with env padding (thx @marc) #remoteok padding-bottom: max(0.75rem,env(safe-area-inset-bottom));
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auto hide floating apply job button when scrolling out of the current job #remoteok
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deploy floating apply button #remoteok
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manage to center the 404 cat image #remoteok
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make tag stack search scrollable #remoteok
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make Remote | OK logo change to R | OK below 1000px #remoteok
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make #remoteok mobile filters reposition dropdowns on scroll
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add JS [ ❌ Clear 90+ results ] and if not results [ ❌ Reset filters ] button logic #remoteok
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add multi country filter #remoteok
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make floating [ Apply for this job ] button on mobile #remoteok
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