Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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try gradient like @marc #remoteok
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add slogan to minimalist layout #remoteok
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add link to remove last filter if no results #remoteok
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try new minimal layout with central search box #remoteok
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add to “We're having trouble charging your card on file for renewing your job post Position @ Company posted N months ago.” text “and bumped up N days ago” #remoteok
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convert /stats page location data for job posts to location_json array with country codes #remoteok
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remove [ View your profile ] button and only have [ Save changes ] which redirects to view profile anyway #remoteok
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make [ Your profile ] go to your profile not the edit page of your profile #remoteok
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add sort by / order by in backend #remoteok for @AndreyAzimov
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launch new minimalist layout for logged in users #remoteok
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move around SafetyWing banner and hide top left logo in favor of the new avatar/logo in the filter box #remoteok
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fix nav dropdown on scroll #remoteok for @marcantoinefon
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make C++ auto replace to C Plus Plus, and # to Sharp and . to Dot #remoteok
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make primary tag dropdown work with new tomSelect tag box #remoteok
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make tomSelect location work with the job post preview too #remoteok
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default to [ 🌍 Worldwide ] on new job post #remoteok
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make tomSelect tag work with the job post preview too #remoteok
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change profile background header to new location_country_code, residence_country_code, or nationality_country_code field if available #remoteok
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add testimonial by Andy from Tettra #remoteok
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fix if going back from Stripe Checkout and cancelling some the tomSelect fields and some other fields were not prefilled from the saved unpaid job post $unpaidJob[] variable #remoteok
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