Pintura Image Editor
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#pintura tweet about safari line wrap misalignment
#pintura spend 4 hours figuring out how to align custom canvas text wrapping to then figure out a way to have the browser do it
#pintura retain caret position when updating contenteditable innerHTML
#pintura align canvas and textarea input element
#pintura post article on page scrolling behind a modal to HN
#pintura add frame util
#pintura add rate limiting to login route
#pintura add authentication to new customer portal
#pintura add frame style controls
#pintura post to #buildinpublic
#pintura add inception sticker editing
#pintura get to google spot 1 for keywords "javascript image editor"
#pintura fix text input offset when inputting text and context was flipped or rotated
#pintura submit trademark to EUIPO
#pintura replace algolia docsearch with lunr
#pintura add imageState view to output preview trying to lower questions about image state access.
rebrand Doka to #pintura 🚀
#pintura publish "customize" button to production
#pintura prototype api playground
#pintura add Codesandbox button to example code snippets