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make windows v0.0.3 build, send to playtesters #mused
add pause/exit menu #mused
add new motion matching unreal character animation system, but crouch for tunnels still not working #mused
get great pyramid of Giza interior 3d laser scan integrated, 1mm tris, no fancy bake settings #mused
switch to 1st person in tomb & back in camp #mused
add just a simple travel mode instead of game b/c most people giving feedback so far wanted mainly to explore monuments #mused
add just a simple travel mode instead of game b/c most people giving feedback so far wanted mainly to explore monuments #mused
make character select work #mused
record looms for person who can't get the tours to load #mused
make a better character dialog system, better character responses #mused
get first responses from playtesters #mused
publish early access quest apk #mused…
Fix lighting settings crashing quest build (but still need to redo lighting) #mused
support login by phone number or email - teachers in rural Turkey sometimes only had phone # #mused
redirect subdomains for travel destinations to url path, >> -- b/c seo treats subdomain separately #mused
buy quest 2 on cl for $100 #mused
email new build (w/start screens) to first 10 people on signup list #mused
get new build uploaded on itch… #mused
add intro cinematic with establishing shots & make new build #mused