

A fun leaderboard to find out who owns more domain names.
I think I worried too much before about getting it right. Then I was like, let's launch today πŸ˜… Have a look πŸ‘‰ Also, consider this an official invitation to participate in the leaderboard if you haven’t already 😎
Even if it is a comparatively small amount, wouldn't have done this if I hadn't joined WIP πŸ™ I have been lazy to build something for a long time and joining WIP really helped 😎 Especially the "streak" forced me to ship/work on something daily πŸ˜… (29 days since I joined and trying not to break it...
I'm doodling with this idea of having a "Deals" section forΒ The tagline would change between these β€’ Best deals from the apps you love β€’ Best deals from the brands you love β€’ Best deals from the websites you love β€’ ... Idea is to promote apps/brands (increasing sales) and ha...
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I'm working onΒ and haven't officially launched yet. Started as a simple one-page leaderboard to find who owns the more number of domains. Recently added a section to submit domain names and everyone can vote for the domain names they like (called "Fancy ones" on the w...
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