


All the self-hosting related devops I need to get done. Tracking to see how much time I'm spending on this.
Get Dokku working with Tailscale finally 🎉 had to invoke `dokku` myself instead of using the official GitHub action which does not support Tailscale properly and make sure known_hosts was populated beforehand #devops
Code snippet for deploying applications using Dokku with Tailscale.
A code snippet for initializing SSH known hosts in a DevOps context.
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Fight with GitHub Actions + Tailscale + Dokku for a few hours and fail to get it to properly connect and deploy, give up for now and file an issue with Dokku:… #devops
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Configure Tailscale VPN (based on Wireguard) and completely shut off access to port 22 on my VPS. Very impressed by this tool, seems to completely remove the need for a bastion host or a traditional VPN #devops
The image displays a list of devices connected to a Tailscale VPN interface.
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Update cloudinit script to auto install fail2ban because I noticed a bunch of chinese bots trying to gain access to SSH #devops
A code snippet for a cloudinit script to install fail2ban and telnet.