With our secure web app, you can store your secrets and release them to a trusted party upon your death. And, inform faraway friends & family of your demise.
dev catchup #beyonddemise
add Plausible analytics #beyonddemise
developer powpow #beyonddemise
catch up with mentor and learn about app architecture #beyonddemise
improve default layout. create layout for pages. start on About page. #beyonddemise
add Benefits, and How It Works sections #beyonddemise
completed landing page and deployed to temp site for partners to preview #beyonddemise
lunch catchup and plan next steps #beyonddemise
complete footer layout & styling #beyonddemise
95% done with landing page for #beyonddemise
complete final CTA that links back to waitlist form in hero section #beyonddemise
add Testimonials sections with placeholders #beyonddemise
render <aside> as column on the right #beyonddemise
improve card image display #beyonddemise
benefits section - get mobile layout to work #beyonddemise
🪦 not usually a fan of animations. but no harm trying and learning new things ✨ #beyonddemise