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Buy Photon Bolt #witness
Witness-ify "put phone in headset" primer screen #witness
Attach sword to grab gesture #witness
Create 3d model of 3d glasses #witness
Experiment with physically toggling between VR/AR on the headset #witness
Meet with Tokyo Kitty for branding session #witness
create Siri/Google Voice-driven interface for heads up AR #witness
create a image rec-based controller (or sword!) #witness
investigate persistant image rec tracking #witness
validate all pre-production components and make sure it's possible #witness
successfully integrate Manomotion handtracking + hand occlusion with ARKit and Aryzon #witness
test VR + portals #witness
follow up with aryzon bout their new headset design, try to get before next tokyokitty meeting #witness
get all packages under one project #witness
negative shadow prefab #witness
8th Wall XR + Aryzon Rig #witness