Tech Conferences
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🚜 Moved from django-environ to environs[django] #conf
🚘 driving to chicago with the family #conf
more caching changes to my docker + github actions setup #conf
🐳 updated Docker images to not run migrate and collectstatic by default. This speeds up launch time by 1000x #conf
refactored event urls to have use a /<hashid>/<slug>/ pattern to be more human friendly #conf
fixed GitHub package registry access in my rocker watchtower setup. Auto-deplos work again #conf
✨ added an open page #conf
still sick but worked on some management screens #conf
📝 Added event list archive page #conf
updated Twitter not import name #conf
🤖 deployed fixes to Topic model’s slug generation logic #conf
updated conference list month/year grouping #conf
🚜 transitioned from one testing library to another which was recently renamed #conf
deployed conf template/layout changes #conf
checking out stripe integration material #conf
🔥 removed unused menu options #conf
🐳 switched my ci/deploy process completely over to GitHub Actions and GitHub Package Registry #conf
📝 Pushed github action to run ci #conf
worked on GitHub Actions support to take one less step out of the deploy process #conf
create topic scraper #conf