
What do think about the viability of a book focused on enteprise software development using Laravel?

I am thinking to introduce readers to concepts like SSO, audit logging, feature flags, role-based access controls, reporting, exposing integrations, analytics, app metrics, etc and show practical implementation using code.

These general concepts aren't going away anytime soon, but writing a new book specific to a PHP product (in 2019) would be outside of my comfort zone.

What is your audience?

Thanks for your reply!

I am thinking mid-level developers who are moving towards senior positions and/or developers who work in large organizations.

I've picked up a specific product (Laravel) to narrow my focus and ensure the sample codes are similar. Although the same concepts can be described in a framework-agonistic way.

There is also one behavior pull that I am expecting...there is a debate in the community that Laravel is not "enterprise-ready" and there has been efforts made to debunk that. I expect to get some network traction if I can convince those advocates to spread about this.🤞

You can always start small with a few blog posts or youtube videos, and gauge how much interest there is in those for your subject before committing to an entire book.