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Off to a good start: blog.hubspot.com/marketing/ex…
You are looking particularly at curated explainer videos only or collections of curated content?
Either, really. My goal is simply to see some great explainer videos.
I built www.speckbit.com where you can curate the best content around topics. There's interesting content around a lot of important things. Not exclusively explainer videos though.
Also, Kurzgesagt is an awesome explainer video channel. www.youtube.com/user/Kurzgesa…
I guess Digg is made for that? digg.com/search?q=how+things+…
App explainers for mobile or web apps is what I’m looking for. Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear!
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Off to a good start:
You are looking particularly at curated explainer videos only or collections of curated content?
Either, really. My goal is simply to see some great explainer videos.
I built www.speckbit.com where you can curate the best content around topics. There's interesting content around a lot of important things. Not exclusively explainer videos though.
Also, Kurzgesagt is an awesome explainer video channel. www.youtube.com/user/Kurzgesa…
I guess Digg is made for that?
App explainers for mobile or web apps is what I’m looking for. Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear!