
Roast: Watchdog new copy text

Better or worse? Any suggestions? Thanks!

I'm sorry, Ben, but I would start from scratch. 😅

  1. Struggling with users breaking your Telegram rules? Overwhelmed by spammers?
  2. Spending too much and having trouble finding the right moderators?
  3. Meet Watchdog, your new best friend guarding your Telegram community!

Cost-effective and hassle-free, it works 24/7 without needing days off. Try it out now!

That's what the above the fold should say, in my opinion.

I think only sociopathic people might enjoy the act of firing. 🤭 it's a painful experience for everyone involved., and you want to offer a painkiller, not add to the pain. Use language of benefits rather that bringing this on top of the message. Emphasize the challenges of finding, hiring, and potentially firing moderators who don’t perform well. And then explaib how your tool can be a more effective and less painful solution than human moderators.

Got it:

1) I thought about having a more positive H1 and used to have one but I suspect bold negativity will get more eyeballs and push people's buttons which is why I changed it

To be honest, I also recall InteriorAI used to have something very negative as the H1 too ("Fire your interior designer") and still did a ton of revenue, so I'm not convinced the message has to be positive to resonate with people

About half the people that have seen this so far have told me they want me to use more positive copy text and half said to make it more negative, so I'm really not going to be able to figure this out without an A/B test. Will have to A/B test "Fire your Chat Moderator" vs. "Meet your AI Chat Moderator" (or something else that's positive) as the H1 and see which one gets more sales at that point, then it'll be a settled discussion heh.

2) That seems like too much text to put above the fold, but will think of a concise way to capture the points you've highlighted. Think they mostly align with the section titles (below the fold) I've already put together and the "with/without" component.

Thanks for the feedback!

The best scenario in such guesswork would be if you could launch small budget ad campaigns for both versions and determine which message works best based on user behavior. :)